Monday, November 30, 2009

64. Another love poem

If I get a small place at your heart
Then my desired life would blossom
I am a lover, I need only naught-
A lovely heart if I get then that is awesome

Salute to the first lover of the earth
Salute to the heart-to-heart path
Salute to those who offend us
Salute to those place of our buzz
Put your all effort to squeeze the feelings in between
Love will grow stronger, and your attempts become thin.

Blue and vast sky is there to go on
For lovers this is like a heaven
With out love life has no meaning
Where love, there is every thing
Not to bother whether the path is smooth or rough
Destiny is confirmed only a way is enough

I read all converse on her eyes
She accept me and my heart flies
Eye converse become word of love
From there we started our new rove
I got all from her what I want but with a little adore
Relation should be divine and love should be pure


  1. i am happy to know that u have such quality as a poet.i really wonder by reading this.thanks

  2. It's awesome .Continue.....
    One day u will hang like a star in the sky of the poets all over the globe.
